9 Key Factors for a SEO Optimised Blog Content

Creating SEO-optimised content means making it likable to search engines. 

However, our goal is not purely to appease Google, but rather to cater to your target readers – real people, not just search engine bots.

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.” – Wendy Piersall

And true to the quote above, the goal is to address your audience’s most crucial inquiries at the same time produce high-quality blog content.

Whether it’s carefully selecting an impactful title, fine-tuning meta tags for optimal visibility, or seamlessly integrating relevant keywords, each element contributes to the SEO well-being of your content.

Does this necessarily mean that you have to be an SEO expert to grasp the intricacies of SEO blog writing? Not really…

Equipped with the appropriate tools and a fair understanding of all elements impacting SEO performance, you can quickly hone your content curation skills to win Google’s favour.

So, let’s demystify SEO in a way that makes sense for you.

What is an SEO-optimised blog?

SEO-optimised blog content is strategically crafted to enhance visibility on search engines. It involves using relevant keywords naturally, creating quality content, employing proper formatting, speeding up page loading, and improving internal and external links.  It typically helps your blog to rank higher in search results, increasing traffic and engagement. 

9 key factors that will assist you in imbibing a thorough SEO blog strategy.

1) Ace Your SEO Content Writing with Keyword Strategy

Keywords are like signposts to help google navigate to your blog content. Therefore, they are one of the crucial factors in your SEO content writing process. 

There are many paid and free tools like SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and Ahrefs, that can help you with keyword research for the topic you have chosen.

While researching for keywords, the idea is to always stick to the main topic of your blog post.

Let’s assume that your main topic is “Project Management Software.” Here is a rough example of related keywords relating to the topic:

  • Best web-based Project Management Software
  • Project planning software for small businesses
  • Top project management tools for small businesses
  • User-friendly project management software for beginners (long-tail keyword)
  • Affordable cloud-based project management solutions
  • Online project collaboration tools

By consistently focusing on the main topic of “Project Management Software” and its various aspects, the keywords remain interconnected and relevant, providing a well-targeted approach for your SEO blog writing.

Utilising synonyms, related terms, and long tail keywords is another effective approach to incorporating relevant keywords without overcrowding your blog post with the same terms. 

Strive to incorporate a minimum of three primary keywords and three secondary keywords in your SEO blog strategy for optimal results.

2) Lengthy BlogPosts: Make them your mantra for your SEO Optimised Content

Why does blog length matter? 

Think about it: concise, brief articles may seem easy to read but might leave your readers craving more details, while longer, comprehensive content could offer the in-depth insights they seek. 

Now, I get it – the thought of a lengthy read might seem as thrilling as watching paint dry. But fear not! We’re talking about breaking down that information into bite-sized, easily digestible nuggets, turning even the longest of reads into a page-turner. 

Lengthy blog posts hold numerous advantages, including the capacity for in-depth coverage that allows for a comprehensive exploration of complex topics. It helps establish authority and expertise in a particular field and also provides SEO benefits through the inclusion of more keywords and phrases. 

Additionally, longer content can enhance engagement and time spent on a page, contributing to reduced bounce rates and increased conversion opportunities. Well-crafted lengthy content is also more likely to be shared on social media, amplifying brand exposure. 

A lengthy blog format also offers internal linking opportunities, guiding readers to explore related content on the website. 

Moreover, the narrative potential of longer articles can make them engaging and memorable.

For an ideal blog post, aim for 1500-2000 words. 

It is crucial, however, to prioritise quality and relevance over length, tailoring the content to the nature of the topic and the preferences of the target audience.

3) Smart Keyword Placement For Smarter SEO Blog Writing

Now that you have your keywords, strategically place them. Use one primary keyword in the title and another in the meta description. 

Sprinkle primary and secondary keywords in your headings(HTags). Integrate your primary keyword within the first 150 words, and then smoothly scatter one every 150 words throughout the post.

Optimise your URL (slug) with a primary keyword to provide clarity to both users and search engines about the page’s content.

Use descriptive keywords in image alt text to enhance accessibility and contribute to overall page optimization.

4) Keyword Density Magic: A must-remember element during SEO content writing

Don’t go overboard with your keywords; aim for a natural density per keyword, which should be 1-2% of your total word count. 

Balance is key – let your keywords enhance your blog without overwhelming it. Google will appreciate the harmony! Your audience will enjoy reading your blogs, free from unnecessary repetition of similar words that might otherwise annoy the reader.

5) H Tags Demystified: The Power of Strategic H Tags!”

Think of H tags (headings) as the chapter titles of your blog. H1 is the main title, followed by H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 akin to subheadings within chapters. This hierarchy not only enhances the reader’s experience but also helps search engines comprehend your content structure.

6) Image Optimization: Elevating Your Visual Appeal with Alt Text Magic!

Pictures speak louder than words, especially in the digital realm. Optimise your images by using relevant, high-quality visuals. It’s like choosing the perfect artwork for your living room – it should enhance the overall ambiance. 

Another crucial factor is to keep pixel count in check; oversized images can slow down your site’s loading speed, impacting user experience.

Don’t forget the image alt text, providing Google with context and improving accessibility. 

Image alt text, or alternative text, is a brief description of an image embedded in a web page’s HTML code. It serves as a textual representation of the image content.

Alt text is also crucial for accessibility, providing information to users with visual impairments who use screen readers. 

Additionally, search engines rely on alt text to understand and index images, contributing to better SEO. In essence, well-crafted alt text enhances both user experience and the discoverability of content on the web.

7) Featured Snippets: Winning the Google Spotlight

Crafting content for featured snippets is like winning the front-row seat at a concert. 

Typically displayed in a box just below the search bar, featured snippets are short text excerpts or concise and highlighted answers that showcase a summary, bulleted list, or table, offering a preview of the information available on the linked webpage. Google loves serving these snippets, and users appreciate the quick, direct response.

Google selects these snippets based on their perceived ability to best answer the user’s question, making them a valuable tool for quickly accessing key information without clicking through to a specific website.

How to write and place your content to optimise it for featured snippets.

  • Understand user intent: What questions are people asking about your topic? Answer them directly in your content.
  • Keep your word count in the sweet spot—usually around 40-60 words—to increase your chances of being featured.
  • Include the main question and a concise answer near the beginning of your post to provide immediate clarity to Google and your readers.
  • Use header tags (like H2 or H3) for the question and answer. Search engines often prioritise content within these tags, increasing the chances of it being selected for a featured snippet.
  • Make your question and answer clear and easy to understand. Utilise bullet points, numbered lists, or crisp paragraphs to present the information in a structured format that search engines find easy to extract.
  • Ensure that the question and answer directly address the user’s query. The more directly you answer the question, the better the chances of your content being featured.
  • Craft your content in a natural and conversational tone. Featured snippets often favour content that mirrors the way people naturally ask and answer questions.

8) The Web of Links: Internal and External

Imagine your blog as a well-connected city; each link is a bridge connecting different neighbourhoods. Internal links work similarly. Internal links improve navigation, while external links add credibility.

Both contribute to enhancing your Domain Authority (DA), a metric Google considers when ranking your site. It’s like building a network of relationships that strengthens your digital presence.

How and where to place internal links during SEO Blog Writing?

Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page of a website to another page within the same domain. They are valuable for user experience and SEO. Here’s how and where to use them in blog posts:

  • Relevant Anchor Text: Use descriptive and relevant anchor text that gives users and search engines an idea of the content they will find on the linked page.
  • Contextual Placement: Integrate internal links naturally within the context of your content. Link to related articles, resources, or relevant pages that provide additional information.
  • Strategic Placement: Consider placing important internal links towards the beginning of your blog post to guide readers to foundational or related content.
  • In-Depth Content: When discussing a topic in-depth, link to other pages that cover specific subtopics or related information, giving readers the option to explore more details.
  • Hub Pages (Core Pages): Hub Pages can be your landing page, article page, service page, product page, or your contact page. Designate certain pages as hub pages that serve as central points for a particular topic. Link relevant blog posts to these hub pages to create a cohesive structure.
  • Navigation Menus and Footers: Include internal links in your navigation menus and footers to enhance website navigation and ensure users can easily find related content.
  • Calls to Action (CTAs): Use internal links within calls to action, guiding readers to take the next step, such as exploring related products, and services, or signing up for newsletters

How to get external links to your blog post?

Acquiring external or backlinks to your blog post is essential for improving its visibility and authority. Here are effective ways to get backlinks:

  • Create High-Quality Content: Develop valuable, informative, and unique content that others in your industry or niche find worth linking to.
  • Outreach and Networking: Reach out to influencers, bloggers, and websites in your niche. Build relationships and politely ask if they would consider linking to your content.
  • Guest Blogging: Contribute guest posts to reputable websites in your industry, including a link back to your blog in your author bio or within the content itself.
  • Broken Link Building: Identify broken links on other websites and offer your content as a replacement. This provides value to the website owner while gaining a backlink for your blog.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share your blog posts on social media platforms. Increased visibility may attract individuals or websites interested in your content, leading to potential backlinks.
  • Skyscraper Technique: Identify popular content in your niche, create something even better, and reach out to those who linked to the original content, suggesting they might find your improved version valuable.
  • Participate in Communities: Engage in online forums, communities, and discussions related to your niche. Share your expertise and occasionally link to relevant blog posts when appropriate.

Remember, the key is to focus on creating valuable and shareable content, building relationships, and promoting your blog effectively to attract backlinks naturally over time.

9) Index coverage: Get Found By Google

Search engines use automated bots called crawlers or spiders to browse the web and discover new or updated content. These bots follow links from one page to another. When a crawler visits a web page, it analyses the content, including text, images, and other elements. It also takes note of the page’s meta tags, headers, and other relevant information.

The information gathered during crawling is then added to the search engine’s index. The index is essentially a catalog or database that allows the search engine to quickly retrieve relevant information when a user performs a search.

Needless to say, indexing is a crucial step in the search engine process because it enables search engines to provide fast and accurate results when users enter queries. Websites with well-optimised and regularly updated content are more likely to be indexed and, consequently, appear in search engine results pages (SERPs).

To check if your blog post is indexed by Google, follow these steps:

  • Use the “site:” Operator: Go to Google and type “site:” followed by your domain name and the specific URL of your blog post. For example, if your blog post’s URL is “example.com/post”, you would enter “site:example.com/post” in the search bar. This will show you if Google has indexed that particular page.
  • Google Search Console: If you have set up Google Search Console for your website, log in and navigate to the “Coverage” report. This report provides information on the indexing status of your pages. Look for your specific blog post URL to see if it is marked as “Indexed” or if there are any issues.
  • Fetch as Google: In Google Search Console, you can use the “Fetch as Google” tool to request indexing for specific URLs. Enter the URL of your blog post and click “Fetch.” If successful, you can then click “Request Indexing” to prompt Google to crawl and index the page.
  • Google Analytics: While Google Analytics doesn’t directly show indexing status, it can provide insights into organic traffic. If your blog post is indexed, you should see organic traffic from Google.

Check Meta Tags: Inspect the HTML source code of your blog post. Look for the meta tag <meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”>. This tag indicates that the page is set to be indexed.

Meta robots tags guide spiders or crawlers on whether to crawl or index a page. When set to “Follow,” the page is open for crawling. Opting for “No Follow” signals the crawler to not follow the page. Meanwhile, choosing “Index” ensures your page is showcased in search results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1- How do I optimise my blog title for SEO?

To create an SEO-friendly title, insert a primary keyword in the title, and ensure an optimal SEO title length of under 60 characters. Incorporate a number to attract attention. (Ex: 5 most effective exercises to lose tummy fat in 10 days”).

2- Which are the best SEO blog optimization tools?

You can use the free or paid versions of Yoast, Semrush, Ahrefs or Ubersuggest to get keywords for your niche, run readability tests and enhance your Meta Tags, Meta Descriptions, H Tags hierarchy, etc…

3- What kind of content is best for SEO?

Content that is informative, relevant, and high-quality tends to perform best for SEO. Optimise your Meta Title and Description, add H Tags wherever necessary, include bullet points, keep your sentences short and simple, and optimise images and videos with relevant alt texts. It’s also crucial to incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the content and use proper headings and other formatting to improve readability.

What is the minimum content for SEO?

While there isn’t a strict minimum word count for SEO, it’s generally recommended to have a sufficient amount of content to provide value and address the user’s query. Aim for at least 300 words for blog posts or articles. However, the focus should be on quality rather than quantity. 

Ensure your content is relevant, informative, and well-structured. Search engines tend to favour in-depth, authoritative content. In summary, there’s no fixed minimum content requirement, but creating valuable and comprehensive content is key for effective SEO.


Congratulations! You’ve now unlocked the secrets to crafting an SEO-optimised blog. If diving into these intricacies seems overwhelming, worry not. Our expert team at CremeContent, a content writing agency in Dubai, specialises in creating content and SEO Blog Consultation that not only meets these SEO standards but goes beyond to establish your digital dominance. 

P.S.: Remember, SEO is not a one-time endeavour; it’s an ongoing journey. Stay updated with the latest trends, adapt, and repurpose old blogs, and continue creating content that not only ranks high but brings an incredible amount of value to your audience.

Happy blogging!

CrèmeContent is a Content Writing agency in Dubai that helps small, medium, and big businesses assist in their content curation endeavours. We aim to help brands produce authentic, engaging, and SEO-optimised content to help enhance their digital presence. 

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