How to Write a Product Description that Sells: Proven Strategies Revealed

Product descriptions can very simply MAKE or BREAK a sale!

A good product description has the power to push a customer from mere browsing to buying, while a bad product description can make the customer devoid of any interest in purchasing at all.

So where does the SECRET lie when it comes to good product description copywriting?

In this blog, let’s decode the intricacies of how to showcase a product in a new light, learn proven strategies as a copywriter, and ace product description writing that practically sells itself. 

First off, let’s look at some MIND BLOWING STATISTICS about product descriptions:

  • 30% of potential buyers abandon their carts, citing insufficient or poor product descriptions as the culprit.
  • An overwhelming 87% of individuals navigating the digital marketplace consider product descriptions to be pivotal in shaping their purchasing decisions.
  • A significant 64% of consumers express frustration by returning products, attributing their dissatisfaction to inaccuracies in the provided descriptions.

These figures are significant, providing even more reason for you to grasp high-converting product description copywriting techniques.

Why Are Product Descriptions Important?

Product descriptions serve as the bridge between your potential customers and your products, providing them with all the necessary information to make an informed purchasing decision.

1. Helps Customers Understand the Product: 

The primary purpose of a product description is to provide customers with a clear understanding of what they are buying.

This includes details about its features, specifications, dimensions, materials used, and more. Without a well-written product description, customers may be hesitant to purchase as they lack the necessary information to assess if the product meets their needs.

2. Builds Trust and Credibility:

Building trust with customers is crucial for business success. Detailed and accurate product page content can help establish trust and credibility with potential buyers. When customers feel that you have provided them with all the necessary information about the product, they are more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.

3. Differentiates Your Product from Competitors:

With numerous similar products available in the market, it can be challenging to stand out from competitors solely based on price or quality. Well-crafted product descriptions allow you to highlight unique features or benefits of your product that set it apart from others in the market.

4. Boosts SEO:

SEO-driven descriptions play a significant role in driving traffic to your website and increasing sales. Including relevant transactional keywords in your descriptions can improve search engine rankings for those specific terms, making it easier for potential customers to find your products online.

5. Increases Conversions:

 Your product page content not only informs but also persuades readers to take action by making a purchase. By highlighting key features and benefits of the product while addressing customer pain points or concerns, you can effectively influence their purchasing decision.

6. Reduces Returns and Negative Reviews:

A lack of information or misleading product descriptions can result in customers receiving a product that does not meet their expectations. This can lead to negative reviews and returns, which can be costly for your business. By providing accurate and detailed product descriptions, you can reduce the chances of customer dissatisfaction and returns.

Now, let’s get out of our way a few MISTAKES that most product description copywriters make.

Two common mistakes while writing product descriptions.

Mistake #1

A common mistake made by many copywriters is treating product descriptions as an afterthought or simply copying and pasting the manufacturer’s information. This approach can lead to generic and uninteresting descriptions that fail to differentiate your product from others in the market.

If writing product descriptions were as easy as copying and pasting the product specifications, wouldn’t every product online be flying off the shelves?

Writing product descriptions involves adopting proven strategies and methods to ensure your audience genuinely connects with and comprehends the content.

Mistake #2

The second mistake is when you end up writing for generic audiences! 

Come to think of it, a person who is buying a gym shoe looks for a product that fits well, offers durability, provides ample support, and enhances performance during workouts. 

Whereas, a person looking for hiking shoes seeks features like sturdy construction, reliable grip on various terrains, waterproofing, and comfort for long treks.

Understanding your customer’s needs and turning your product specifications to answer their most pressing questions about the product will ensure that you are effectively addressing their concerns and providing them with the information they need to make an informed purchasing decision. This not only increases the likelihood of a sale but also fosters trust and loyalty with your customer base.

Tips for Writing Effective Product Descriptions:

1. Know Your Target Audience: 

Before you start writing, it is essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience – their demographics, interests, pain points, etc. This will help you tailor your language and tone accordingly.

Top questions to ask yourself to understand your target audience better:

  1. First and foremost, identify key demographics such as age range, gender, location, and occupation, and tailor your descriptions accordingly. 
  1. Next comes the question of what problems or desires this audience may have that align with the product being described. This entails understanding potential pain points and challenges faced by customers that could be alleviated or fulfilled by the product in question. 
  1. Additionally, writers need to inquire about the language and tone preferred by their target audience – whether formal or casual – so they can effectively engage readers through relatable communication styles.

2. Highlight Unique Selling Points:

 What sets your product apart from others in the market? Is it eco-friendly? Handmade? Made with high-quality materials? Make sure these unique selling points are highlighted in your description.

Examples of a Travel Backpack’s USPs
  • Modular Design: The backpack features a modular design with customizable compartments and detachable components, allowing travellers to adapt it to various trip lengths and types of travel.
  • Comfort and Ergonomics: Designed with padded straps, breathable back panels, and weight distribution systems, ensuring maximum comfort even during extended periods of wear, making it ideal for backpackers and digital nomads.

3. Use Persuasive Language: 

Instead of just listing features, use words that evoke emotions such as “luxurious,” “comfortable,” and “convenient.” Show how these features benefit the customer rather than just stating them.

Example of a Mattress

Indulge in the luxurious comfort of our PlushCloud Memory Foam Mattress, designed to envelop you in a cocoon of relaxation every night. Sink into the cloud-like softness of our premium memory foam, meticulously engineered to cradle your body and alleviate pressure points for a truly restorative sleep experience.

4. Create Visuals with Words: 

Paint a vivid picture in the customer’s mind by using descriptive language that appeals to their senses – sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Example of a Cake Mix

With every bite, experience the heavenly combination of rich cocoa and creamy fudge, sending your taste buds on a journey of pure delight. Elevate your baking game and treat yourself to a slice of pure chocolate heaven with our Double Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix today.

5. Keep it Concise:

Customers tend to skim through product descriptions, so keep them short and to the point. Use bullet points or short paragraphs for easy readability.

Example of a SmartWatch

  • Stylish design that complements any outfit effortlessly
  • Tracks your steps, heart rate, and sleep patterns for a holistic view of your health
  • Receive notifications for calls, texts, and social media alerts right on your wrist
  • Long-lasting battery ensures all-day usage without interruption
  • Water-resistant construction allows you to wear it during workouts or even swimming

6. Write SEO Optimised Descriptions:

Incorporate relevant keywords in your product description to improve its visibility on search engines.

Use Transactional keywords! Transactional keywords are search terms that indicate a user’s intent to make a purchase or engage in a specific action. These keywords are often used by individuals who are actively seeking to buy a product or service. 

Incorporating transactional keywords into product descriptions can improve visibility on search engines and attract potential customers who are ready to make a purchase. 

Examples of transactional keywords with high buyer intent.

  • Buy running shoes”
  • “Order basketball shoes online”
  • “Purchase soccer cleats”
  • “Shop football boots”
  • “Discount on gym sneakers”
  • “Buy sports shoes for men/women”
  • “Order athletic footwear”

7. Proofread and Edit: 

While content writing for product descriptions, you should remember that a poorly written product description can reflect negatively on your brand’s image. Make sure to proofread and edit for any grammatical errors or typos.

A well-written product description serves as a powerful marketing tool that can significantly impact sales. By following these tips, you can create compelling descriptions that not only inform but also persuade customers into making a purchase decision.

Key Elements of an Effective Product Description

In this section, we will discuss the essential components of a successful product description.

1. Clear and Concise Title:

The first thing that catches a customer’s eye is the title of your product description. A clear and concise title should accurately describe your product and entice the reader to read further. Avoid using generic titles such as “Amazing Product” or “Best in Market”. Instead, use descriptive keywords that highlight your unique selling points. Integrate relevant keywords in the title for more visibility.

2. Detailed Product Description:

The main body of your product description should provide detailed information about your product. Start by describing its key features, specifications, and functionalities. Be sure to use bullet points or numbered lists for easier reading and comprehension. Additionally, include relevant information such as size, materials used, care instructions, etc., which will help customers make an informed decision.

4. Get Creative with Formatting: 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with formatting techniques such as bolding, italicising, or using different font sizes or colours to draw attention to key points in your description.

5. Avoid Jargon: 

Using complex technical terms or industry-specific jargon can confuse customers and make your description less clear. Stick to straightforward language that everyone can understand.

6. Include Social Proof:

Incorporating social proof in your product description can significantly impact a customer’s decision to buy. This could include positive reviews or ratings from satisfied customers, testimonials, or even celebrity endorsements. Social proof adds credibility and trustworthiness to your product.

7. Use High-Quality Images: 

Along with text, images play a crucial role in selling a product. Make sure to include high-quality images that showcase your product from different angles and help customers visualise it better.

7. Call-to-Action:

A strong call-to-action (CTA) is crucial in persuading customers to make a purchase. Use action-oriented words such as “Buy now,” “Limited stock available,” or “Add to cart” to encourage them to take action immediately.

An effective product description should be informative, compelling, and persuasive enough to convert potential buyers into paying customers. By incorporating these key elements in your descriptions, you can create a powerful sales tool for your products that drives conversions and boosts sales.

Examples of effective CTAs:

  • “Add to Cart Now”
  • “Shop Now”
  • “Buy [Product Name] Today”
  • “Get Yours Now”
  • “Explore Options”
  • “Upgrade Your [Product Category]”
  • “Find Your Perfect Fit”
  • “Shop the Collection”
  • “Add to Bag”
  • “Own It Now”
  • “Grab Yours Before They’re Gone”
  • “Claim Yours Today”

Features vs Benefits: Understanding the Key Difference to Write a Compelling Product Description

When it comes to writing a product description, many people make the mistake of focusing solely on the features of their product. However, what truly sells a product is not its features, but its benefits. 

Features are simply the characteristics or qualities of a product, while benefits are the positive outcomes that those features provide to the customer. In other words, features describe what a product does and how it works, while benefits explain why those features matter and how they can improve the customer’s life.

To write a compelling product description that sells, you need to understand and effectively communicate both the features and benefits of your product. This will help potential customers see how your product can meet their needs and solve their problems. Let’s explore in detail why highlighting benefits over features is crucial for creating persuasive product descriptions.

Features: The Nuts and Bolts of Your Product

The first step in writing a great product description is clearly stating all the key features of your product. These include physical attributes such as size, colour, material, and design as well as functional aspects like speed, capacity, or compatibility. Features provide vital information about what exactly your product offers and help potential customers get an idea of what they can expect from it.

Benefits: What Makes Your Product Stand Out

While listing out all the important features is necessary for any good description, it’s not enough to just mention them without explaining why they matter. That’s where benefits come into play. Benefits highlight how your product addresses specific pain points or fulfils certain desires for your target audience.

For instance, let’s say you’re selling a smartwatch with a 24-hr heart rate monitor. A clear benefit would be that your customer can track their fitness progress more accurately throughout the day and ensure they’re exercising at the right intensity for optimal results. Plus, it gives them peace of mind by alerting them to any irregularities in their heart rate, potentially aiding in early detection of health issues.

How to Effectively Communicate Benefits While Writing Product Descriptions

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers and think about what would make them want to buy your product. Ask yourself, “What problem does my product solve for them?” or “What value does it add to their life?”. Answering these questions will help you identify the true benefits of your product that will resonate with potential customers.

Here are some examples of how to convert product features into benefits

  • Feature: High-resolution camera (Product: Smartphone)

Benefit: Capture crystal-clear memories with every snap, ensuring your precious moments are preserved in stunning detail for years to come.

  • Feature: Lightweight design (Product: Backpack)

Benefit: Enjoy effortless portability, as our backpack’s feather-light construction allows you to carry all your essentials without straining your back, perfect for long journeys or daily commutes.

  • Feature: Energy-efficient technology (Product: Air Conditioner)

Benefit: Slash your electricity bills while staying cool and comfortable, as our energy-efficient air conditioner keeps your space at the perfect temperature without breaking the bank.

  • Feature: Multi-speed settings (Product: Blender)

Benefit: Unleash your culinary creativity with ease, thanks to our blender’s versatile multi-speed settings, enabling you to effortlessly whip up anything from smoothies to soups with precision and control.

  • Feature: Waterproof construction (Product: Watch)

Benefit: Embrace every adventure worry-free, knowing that our waterproof watch can withstand any weather condition or aquatic activity, ensuring it remains functional and stylish no matter where life takes you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is the structure of product description writing?

A. Our proven formula includes an attention-grabbing headline, a detailed yet concise description of the product’s features and benefits, relatable and persuasive language, high-quality images or videos, and a clear call to action. 

  1. How to write convincing product descriptions?

A. Highlight all the benefits and make sure they know exactly why they need your product. And for those quick online shoppers, throw in some snappy bullet points with all the essential specs they need to know. It’s all about keeping it conversational, engaging, and easy to understand, so everyone walks away feeling excited about your product!

  1. What are the 10 most descriptive words for product description writing?

A. Sleek, Versatile, Luxurious, Efficient, Compact, Durable, Eco-friendly, Effortless, Elegant, Fresh.

In conclusion, it’s essential to keep in mind that your target audience consists of real people, individuals who are looking for solutions that simplify their lives. 

Whether it’s a time-saving gadget or a convenient service, customers are drawn to products that enhance their everyday experiences. 

So, as you craft your product descriptions or marketing strategies, remember the human element and the value of making life easier for your customers. 

After all, meeting their needs and making their lives more convenient is the ultimate goal.


CrèmeContent is a product content writing agency in Dubai that helps small, medium, and big businesses assist in their content curation endeavours. We aim to help brands produce authentic, engaging, and SEO-optimised product descriptions to help enhance their digital presence. Want to engage with a community that loves serving up valuable insights on Product Page Content Writing in Dubai? Join us on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. Be a part of our growing family.

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